Specialist in cold-blooded animals


A veterinarian-herpetologist is a doctor who specializes in the treatment of reptiles and amphibians.

The herpetologist of the Zoolux clinic network, together with veterinarians of other specialties, is engaged in diagnostic and therapeutic treatment, as well as surgical interventions. However, reptiles are not suitable for standard approaches to the treatment of the same diseases as in cats and dogs. Many drugs in acceptable doses for mammals can be fatal for them, and methods are not effective due to differences in anatomy and metabolism.

A herpetologist is a specialist who not only provides medical support, but also helps to understand the maintenance and feeding of a pet, selects a balanced diet with the necessary vitamin supplements, and explains behavior and habits.

For owners of reptiles and/or amphibians, here are some particularly important reasons to see a herpetologist:

  • swelling of the eyes;
  • soft or flattened shell;
  • inability to fully submerge in water (for waterfowl turtles);
  • white plaque in the mouth;
  • trying to hibernate.

You should also remember about prevention. Exotic animals, no less than cats and dogs, need antiparasitic treatments and regular vitamin courses. Unfortunately, the range of preparations for exotic animals is very scanty, and therefore we recommend that these manipulations be carried out under the supervision of a herpetologist or you should first seek advice by phone 0948289838

General recommendations before visiting a Zoolux herpetologist:

  • Prepare a box with a warm bottle or heating pad wrapped in a towel. Transportation must be carried out while maintaining the temperature. In summer, transportation without heating pads is allowed. In winter, it is recommended to travel by car, with a heated seat, or hide the reptile under warm clothing, such as a jacket;
  • Take a photo of housing, as well as lamps. Prepare information on the temperature and light conditions, frequency of feeding and type of food item.;
  • Details of recent parasite treatments and if recommended by a previous herpetologist;
  • It is recommended to prepare information about the place of purchase of the animal or the name of the cattery;
  • If necessary, take fresh feces with you (up to 2 hours), when testing for cryptosporidiosis, daily feces are allowed;

* Fed snakes, as well as reptiles in molt, are not allowed at the reception.

The key to good health for your pet is quite simple - timely diagnosis and prevention of diseases, as well as proper maintenance.

Addresses of our clinics:

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