Zoolux Veterinary College

Zoolux Veterinary College

In October 2022, Zoolux Veterinary College opened its doors.
The program is designed for basic training of veterinary assistants.

The mission of the college:

  • Improving the education of veterinary medicine in Ukraine to the European level

Our advantages:

  • Practicing veterinarians;
  • Use of the latest technologies in education;
  • More than 50% of classes are practical and held at the clinic;
  • Online lectures with the possibility of listening to them and preparing for classes in any place where there is an Internet connection;
  • A training program without unnecessary subjects and "water" - just what you need to start working as a veterinary assistant for dogs and cats;
  • Training in small groups, which makes it possible to pay attention to each student;

The course consists of four consecutive blocks:

1 block of general medical topics;

2 block of training in the therapy department;

3 block of training in the intensive care unit;

4 block of training in the Department of Surgery.


  • Organization of work in the hospital
  • Fundamentals of safety in the clinic (radiation safety, infectious diseases, the concept of hospital infection, ways to prevent the transmission of infectious agents within the hospital)
  • Fundamentals of zoopsychology and patient recording
  • Medical terminology
  • Work with medical electronic documentation
  • Basic practical training (performing manipulations, various ways of administering drugs, preparation for invasive and diagnostic procedures)

The course lasts for 3.5 weeks. More than 60% of the training consists of seminars and practical classes under the supervision of instructors, which allows students to gain maximum useful information and skills for working as a veterinary assistant.

  • More than 40 hours of seminars to discuss clinical issues and the nuances of practical application of the acquired knowledge
  • More than 30 hours of lecture material
  • 20 hours of practical training under the guidance of instructors
  • Groups of students no more than 15 people
  • Access to lecture material for 3 months

After completing the Basic Training Course, there is an opportunity to get into the Advanced Course for a veterinary assistant

Вартість основних послуг

Вид послуг


Basic training of a veterinary assistant

The course lasts for 1 month, classes are held 2 times a week

2500 ₴

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