Orthopedist - a doctor of narrow specialization, carrying out an integrated approach to diagnostic and therapeutic measures for various diseases in animals, accompanied by diseases of the joints, bones and ligaments
The following diagnostic methods are carried out in the clinic:
- orthopedic examination of the patient with determination of the type of lameness, localization of pain;
- Ultrasound of the tendons, showing signs of ruptures, inflammatory processes;
- X-ray examination of bones and joints
After a thorough diagnostic examination, a veterinary orthopedist will be able to correctly diagnose and determine the direction of treatment.
The Zoolux clinic offers operations for many orthopedic diseases - degenerative diseases of the ligaments and joints and their pathologies of growth and development, injuries, fractures, polytrauma, neoplasms of bones and ligaments.
Tips for visiting an orthopedic doctor:
- Make an appointment in advance by phone or on the website;
- In case of chronic (non-acute problem) make a video of lameness (forward and backward movement. NOT running);
- When taking any painkillers (non-steroidal inflammatory, etc.), do not give on the day of the examination *
*does not apply to cases of severe, acute pain
- Go to the doctor's office with a fasted diet, you may need an ultrasound scan, as well as blood tests.
- Take with you the entire available medical history of the animal - all examinations and therapy (if not performed in our clinic)
- Set up a partnership with an orthopedic surgeon.
The anamnesis data and preliminary diagnosis are entered into a special information computer database, a patient card is formed, which contains recommendations for treatment. Electronic recording of case histories is very convenient - it allows you to track the dynamics of the patient and provides information about all diseases and the method of their treatment for the period of the owner's visits to the clinic, as well as view them in the client's personal account.
Addresses of our clinics:
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