A veterinary oncologist is a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in pets.
If the animal has palpable tumors, bumps, growths on the body, obstructive ulcers, thickening or erosion of the mucous membranes, a consultation with a veterinary oncologist is necessary. Many oncological diseases occur without visible symptoms, however, owners may notice a change in their pet's behavior, lethargy, refusal to eat, etc.
Some symptoms of cancer:
- the presence of any small tumors or formations;
- wounds that do not heal for a long time;
- loss of appetite;
- weight loss;
- difficulty in swallowing, eating;
- difficulty urinating and defecation;
- heaviness of breathing;
- causeless lameness.
If one of the listed signs or their combination is detected, it is advisable to show your pet to an oncologist.
The veterinary clinic Zoolux has the following arsenal of diagnostic methods:
- ultrasound procedure;
- x-ray examination;
- cytological examination of tissue fluids;
- fine-needle biopsy of neoplasm tissue;
- if necessary, computed tomography (CT)
Recommendations before visiting an oncologist:
- Pre-book an appointment by phone or on the website.
- Go to the doctor's office with a fasted diet for an ultrasound/X-ray and blood tests.
- Take with you the entire available medical history of the animal - all examinations and therapy (if not carried out in our clinic).
- Set up a partnership with an oncologist.
The anamnesis data and preliminary diagnosis are entered into a special information computer database, a patient card is formed, which contains recommendations for treatment. Electronic recording of case histories is very convenient - it allows you to track the dynamics of the patient and provides information about all diseases and the method of their treatment for the period of the owner's visits to the clinic, as well as view them in the client's personal account.
Oncologist Zoolux accepts ONLY by appointment.
How to protect your beloved pet from a serious illness?
Unfortunately, no recommendation will give a 100% guarantee. However, some measures will help reduce the likelihood of developing the disease.
- Pets can be castrated at 4 months of age. A very common cause of cancer in dogs and cats is hormonal tumors. The risk of their occurrence is greatly reduced after castration.
- Unusual symptoms should not be ignored, even if they do not seem alarming to you. Any changes in the behavior of the animal should be monitored, as well as regularly examined. It is especially difficult to notice a neoplasm in cats and dogs with long and fluffy hair.
- Annual medical examination should include an examination by an oncologist, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, x-ray of the thoracic region, blood and urine tests.
- Vaccination, treatment for ticks and fleas, the systematic use of drugs against parasites are reliable allies in the fight against cancer.
- The most valuable thing for any pet is the attention of its owner. Just like in humans, oncology in animals can be asymptomatic for some time. Here it is important to notice some deviations at the right time: after all, time in the treatment of cancer is an invaluable resource, and this fact cannot be neglected.
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