Surgeons of the Zoolux veterinary clinic work every day, and the clinic at 39 Dmitrievskaya Street is open 24/7.
Animal surgery is one of the most important branches in veterinary medicine. It is necessary in cases where therapeutic treatment does not help or the necessary planned intervention during castration, sterilization, removal of neoplasms, and more.
In our clinic, specialists perform both planned and unscheduled surgery for cats and dogs. We perform surgical interventions of varying complexity in modern and professionally equipped operating rooms.
The list of surgical interventions performed in the clinic covers all major areas of veterinary surgery:
- planned surgery; laparoscopic surgery;
- oncology; traumatology and orthopedics;
- ophthalmology; dentistry;
- reproduction, etc..
Zoolux Surgical Department provides services in the form of:
- splenectomy, cholecystectomy (including laparoscopic), removal of liver lobe, nephrectomy, uterotomy, surgical treatment of umbilical, inguinal, perineal, diaphragmatic, peritoneopericardial, hiatal hernia;
- Surgery of animals with rectal prolapse;
- removal of neoplasms of the endocrine glands, abdominal and thoracic cavities;
- cystoscopy, cystostomy (including laparoscopic), urethrotomy, urethrostomy, resection/marsupialization of prostate cysts, nephroureterectomy, scrotal, prescrotal, perineal and modified urethrostomy;
- ovariohysterectomy (including laparoscopic), surgical treatment of pyometra;
- cesarean section;
- castration, castration of cryptorchids (including laparoscopic);
- surgical treatment of otogematomas, bitten, cut, puncture wounds;
- removal of subcutaneous and cutaneous tumors;
- amputation of caudal vertebrae, fingers, claw phalanges;
- tooth extraction;
- amputation of a limb;
- enucleation of the eyeball, correction of the prolapse of the 3rd eyelid gland, blepharoplasty, etc;
- osteosynthesis of tubular bones, spine, pelvic bones;
- skin plastic surgery of varying severity;
- laryngoscopy, rhinoscopy, otoscopy, tracheobronchoscopy, removal of foreign bodies from the gastrointestinal tract, nasal passages, and auricles;
- balloon dilatation of nasopharyngeal and esophageal stenoses;
- decompressing craniotomy, etc.
- complete or partial removal of the external auditory canal;
- removal of the salivary gland, marsupialization of the salivary gland cyst;
- ligation of the botal duct, surgical treatment of persistent right aortic arch, balloon plastic surgery of pulmonary artery stenosis, removal of a lobe of the lung, pericardiectomy;
- correction of brachycephalic syndrome (nasal stenosis, soft palate trimming, removal of laryngeal sacs, epiglottopexy, nasal folds plastic surgery), lateralization of the cricoid cartilage;
- installation of the BYPASS system, tracheal stenting;
- surgical treatment of various types of anus atresia;
- Surgical treatment of gastric torsion, lung torsion, peritonitis of various severity;
The total cost of a dog or cat operation varies depending on the age, weight of the animal, the state of health and complexity of the procedure, as well as the need for tests and examinations.
Before the operation, the animal is carefully examined, if necessary, preliminary diagnostics are carried out in order to minimize the risk of complications from anesthesia. After the operation, all animals are placed in a hospital, where, under the supervision of a doctor, they come out of anesthesia, only after full recovery, the animal is returned to the owners. In the postoperative period, if necessary, the animal will be provided with all the necessary assistance.
Laryngoscopy, rhinoscopy, otoscopy, tracheostomy, decompressive craniotomy and others.
Addresses of our clinics:
Вартість основних послуг
Вид послуг
Service 1113
Service 1 Description1231
Service 1111111111111
Service 1 Description111111111111
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