Department of Neurology


Neurology is a science that studies the nervous system of the body and the pathological processes occurring in it: diseases that lead to disruption of the nervous system.

How can you suspect a neurological disease in a pet:

  • Violation of gait, posture of the body at rest or during physical exertion;
  • Change in habitual behavior, sleep disturbance, unjustified aggression;
  • Seizures with or without fainting;
  • Attacks of pain;
  • Tilt or turn non-passing head walking in a circle or not recognizing obstacles;
  • violation of coordination;
  • Change in the size of the pupils or their position relative to the center of the eye;
  • and other less noticeable deviations.

How to prepare for a visit to a veterinary neurologist at VK Zoolux?


  • Please pre-register for an appointment by phone or on the website;
  • It is preferable that the animal be brought to the appointment by the owner or person involved in direct care and treatment, especially if the problem is long-term;
  • Be sure to take records of previous studies, if any;
  • Try to discuss at home the answers to the questions: when did the symptoms appear, who treated and for how long, what drugs were used and at what dosage, did it get better after the therapy;
  • Do not feed the animal for 6 hours if additional diagnostics are required;
  • Do not give medicines 6-12 hours before taking if your pet is taking medicines that should not be skipped - inform the doctor about this;
  • If the animal is frightened and may show aggression, this may interfere with a full neurological examination. Please be prepared to hold your pet and/or wear a muzzle.

Addresses of our clinics:

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