Department of hematology
The main task of the doctors of the Zoolux Hematology Department is the diagnosis and treatment of patients with blood diseases
Veterinary hematology covers a wide range of issues, including the production of all blood cells at the level of red bone marrow (hematopoiesis), laboratory evaluation of these cells, diseases of other organs and systems, after which hematopoietic disorders occur, and directly congenital and acquired pathologies of the blood itself.
Since animals cannot talk about themselves, we use their blood as a window to their bodies. Specialization closely concerns oncological and infectious diseases, therefore, to ensure timely, accurate diagnosis, the appointment of the most effective treatment and the management of complex clinical cases, cooperation with adjacent departments of the clinic is provided. In practice, we use new protocols based on the foundation of evidence-based medicine.
Determination of the level of hematopoiesis (hematopoiesis);
Oncohematology (malignant diseases of the hematopoietic system);
Study of molecular genetics of blood and blood transfusion processes;
Study of red bone marrow;
Diagnosis and determination of the treatment regimen for a number of systemic diseases that secondary provoke a violation of the production of red blood cells and other cells in the bone marrow;
Diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the circulatory system of an infectious nature;
Diagnosis and treatment of anemia caused by a deficiency of vitamins or mineral elements necessary for hematopoiesis;
Immune-mediated pathological processes of hematopoiesis.
When is a veterinary hematologist needed?
anemia for unknown reasons;
decrease in hematocrit;
the presence of hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells);
decrease in platelet levels;
hemorrhages on the skin and mucous membranes;
bleeding from physiological openings
How to prepare an animal for an appointment with a Zoolux hematologist:;
- make an appointment with a narrow-profile specialist;
- take with you the results of a general blood test made no later than 3 days ago (if it was not done in our clinic);
- in cases where anemia is confirmed in a pet - a mandatory count of reticulocytes;
- if there is no blood test, then 6 hours before the appointment, maintain a starvation diet.
Addresses of our clinics:
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