A veterinary ophthalmologist conducts an obstezhennia, makes a diagnosis and chooses a direct complex treatment, sound therapeutic or, if necessary, surgical treatment.
An appointment with an ophthalmologist for advice and treatment should be addressed in a timely manner, at the first symptoms of the disease or in case of suspicion of an eye injury, without delaying the disease.
It is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist when the pet has:
- tearing and/or squinting;
- signs of an inflammatory process;
- redness of the eyelids and sclera;
- photophobia or rubbing of the eyes and eyelids with paws;
- signs of visual impairment;
- concern about the state of vision;
- change in eye color and eyelid shape.
At the appointment, the ophthalmologist will conduct an examination, prescribe treatment, and provide advice on prevention.
Recommendations before visiting a veterinary ophthalmologist:
- It is recommended to take all tests and treatment history with the names of drugs (including the names of eye drops) that were previously used.
- People who bring animals to the clinic must have full information about the animal and the medical history.
- 3 hours before taking, do not wipe the eyes from the discharge and do not drip anything into the eyes.
Ophthalmologist Zoolux accepts ONLY by appointment.
Addresses of our clinics:
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