

The laboratory of the veterinary clinic "Zoolux" is a modern diagnostic center, where your pets will receive a quick and accurate examination. Thanks to modern equipment and qualified staff, a wide range of tests is carried out, which allows you to comprehensively assess the health of your pet and detect diseases at early stages. Our laboratory works around the clock so that you can get the results you need at any time of the day or night.

Our services include:

  • Hormone Testing
    Evaluation of hormone levels is an important step in the diagnosis of endocrine disorders. We offer tests for cortisol (including cortisol/creatinine ratio), T4, TSH (thyroid hormone), as well as small dexamethasone and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) testing to determine adrenal function.

  • Immunologic Tests
    Our laboratory offers testing for infections that are transmitted to animals:

    • Feline immunodeficiency and leukemia (FIV/FeLV tests)
    • Diagnosis of carnivore distemper, panleukopenia, parvovirus, dirofilariasis, angiostrongyliasis, babesiosis and other parasitic and bacterial infections.
      We also provide combined test panels, such as VetExpert CaniV-4 for the detection of dirofilaria, ehrlichia, anaplasma and borreliosis in dogs.
  • Hematology tests
    Hematology blood tests can assess your pet's overall health, detect inflammation and anemia. We conduct:

    • Complete blood count (red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin, platelets)
    • Leukocyte formula (with automatic and manual calculation)
    • Reticulocytes and erythrocyte morphology
      It is also possible to study blood compatibility before transfusion.
  • Biochemical blood tests
    Biochemical tests help assess the functional status of internal organs and electrolyte levels. Among the main tests:

    • Renal tests (creatinine, urea, phosphorus, potassium)
    • Liver tests (ALT, AST, total and direct bilirubin, GGT, albumin)
    • General biochemical profile, which includes electrolytes, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and other parameters.
      We also have rapid tests available for emergencies when quick results are needed.
  • Microscopic and cytologic examinations
    Microscopy of specimens helps to quickly identify the presence of parasites, infections and abnormal tissue changes. We perform:

    • Examination of swab prints, swabs from the external auditory canal, blood smears
    • Analysis for helminth eggs and cysts of protozoa
    • Cytomorphologic studies to detect abnormal cells
  • Urine and fecal tests
    Comprehensive urinalysis includes test strips, microscopic examination, determination of proteinuria, and detection of crystals and bacteria. Fecal analysis for helminth eggs and protozoan cysts helps to determine the presence of parasitic infestations.

  • Special tests
    For complex cases, we offer special profiles:

    • Cardiology profile (assessment of creatinine, urea, potassium, protein levels)
    • VRIT profiles for intensive care
    • Control of infectious peritonitis in cats (FIP)

Zoolux Laboratory has expanded its range of diagnostic services. Now we have the following tests available:

  • IgG and IgM to Toxoplasma gondii - determination of antibodies to the causative agent of toxoplasmosis, which is especially important for the diagnosis of this infection.
  • Aldosterone - a hormone responsible for regulating sodium and potassium levels in the body.
  • Vitamin B12 - important for the normal functioning of the nervous system and the production of red blood cells.
  • Paratgormone - regulates calcium and phosphorus levels, which is key to bone health.
  • Progesterone and Testosterone - hormones important for the reproductive system.
  • Troponin I - a marker that helps detect damage to the heart muscle.
  • Ferritin - an iron storage protein whose levels help assess the body's iron stores.
  • Folic acid - an important vitamin required for DNA synthesis and maintaining healthy blood.

These new studies allow even more detailed and accurate assessment of your pets' health, ensuring timely diagnosis and effective treatment.

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