Blood bank and donation

Blood bank

The Zoolux blood bank has become an integral part of our clinic. 

Like blood banks for humans, cat and dog owners come to us to donate blood and save more than one four-legged life. Thanks to their help, we have more than 100 dogs and cats in our database, which are proudly our regular donors. When donating blood, they save from one to eight lives of their fellows.

Each donor undergoes a thorough clinical examination. Each time we check donors for the presence of blood parasitic diseases, conduct blood tests and, of course, a blood type. In the absence of contraindications, blood sampling is performed. Donors are in comfortable conditions at the time of selection and often do not need additional sedation. Each donor and their owners are sure to be rewarded after the procedure and return with pleasure next time.

How is blood drawn?

Blood sampling in dogs is performed from the jugular vein or veins of the extremities. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. If the dog's temperament is calm, sedation is usually not needed.

Blood sampling in cats is carried out from the jugular vein in the neck, less often from the femoral vein. This procedure also lasts 15-20 minutes. Blood sampling from cats is most often done under sedation to minimize stress.

After sampling, the blood is subjected to distribution by centrifugation into components - erythrocyte mass and plasma, after which it is stored in closed specialized bags at a certain temperature regime. The integrity and quality of blood products are monitored daily.

How often can blood be donated?

With good nutrition and proper care, it is permissible to donate blood every 4-6 weeks without compromising the health of the pet.

Our goal is to provide veterinarians and their patients with high quality, safe and reliable blood components throughout Ukraine. We also provide 24/7 advisory support to veterinarians and their clinics. Our highly trained staff is committed to sharing their knowledge to raise awareness and understanding of the role blood products can play in saving animal lives.

We are taking an important step towards the prosperity of veterinary transfusiology in Ukraine. And we are very happy if we take this step forward together with colleagues, donors and their owners!

A cat with one donation of blood can save two cats
Dogs with one donation - as many as six brothers!

Donor application form at the link

Addresses of our clinics:

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Вид послуг


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